Public-Private Partnerships: Working Together to Advance Long Duration Energy Storage

Hosted by: Edison Electric Institute (EEI), U.S. Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Long Duration Energy Storage Council

This event will highlight a new initiative to advance the commercial deployment of long-duration energy storage (LDES) technologies. Participants will include officials from the U.S. Department of Energy, EEI, EPRI, and the LDES Council, which all signed the memorandum of understanding earlier this year to advance LDES.


  • Keynote: Julie Cerqueira, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Moderator: Eric Holdsworth, Managing Director – Clean Energy and Environment, EEI
  • Brian Wolff, Chief Strategy Officer & Executive Vice President, Public Policy and External Affairs, EEI
  • Julia Souder, Executive Director, Long Duration Energy Storage Council
  • Katie Jereza, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, EPRI
  • Massimiliano Masi, General Manager, Magaldi