Learn, collaborate, and build relationships with climate leaders and activists from around the world
The Climate Action Reserve and The Climate Registry have hosted joint delegations of diverse leaders from U.S. states, local jurisdictions, the private sector, and sovereign tribal nations to COP for over a decade, beginning with COP13 in Bali in 2007. The purpose of this effort is to support and highlight the importance of subnational climate policy, ambition, and the innovative power of public-power partnerships in North America to advance action on climate solutions.
Collaborate and Learn
Network and Build Relationships
Delegation participants have valuable opportunities to learn from and contribute to COP. Delegation members gain knowledge during thought-provoking side events in key subject areas such as subnational action and climate finance; share insights and collaborate on best practices, lessons learned, and emerging ideas in climate change policies and programs; engage with leading climate experts and professionals on various aspects of climate policy and science; show support for subnational and national leadership on climate change issues; and share key insights speaking at conference side events.
Participation in the COP conference with our delegation provides excellent opportunities to network and build relationships with climate leaders from around the globe. Our delegation typically includes climate leaders from U.S. states, local jurisdictions, the private sector, and Tribal nations. We coordinate our COP activities closely with leading climate organizations including Georgetown Climate Center, US Climate Alliance, and The Climate Group, along with sovereign tribal nations and other jurisdictions in Canada and Mexico.
Offsetting Our Delegation's Emissions
TCR and the Reserve offset air transportation for members of their joint delegation traveling to COP. The offsets retired as Climate Reserve Tonnes (CRTs), and information on the offset credits and their projects are publicly accessible. This offsetting has been in place for the joint delegation since COP 21 in Paris, France.
About the Climate Action Reserve
About The Climate Registry
The Climate Action Reserve (Reserve) is the most experienced, trusted and efficient offset registry to serve the carbon markets. With deep roots in California and a reach across North America, the Reserve encourages actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and works to ensure environmental benefit, integrity and transparency in market-based solutions to address global climate change. The Reserve program promotes immediate environmental and health benefits to local communities and brings credibility and value to the carbon market. The Climate Action Reserve is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California.
For more information, please visit: www.climateactionreserve.org.
The Climate Registry (TCR) is a non-profit organization that empowers North American organizations to act on climate change by providing services and tools to help them reduce their emissions. TCR drives climate action and ambition on the road to net zero by recognizing and showcasing subnational leadership, and building strategic partnerships with and between national and international entities. TCR is advised by a Council of Jurisdictions that includes representatives from diverse U.S. states and Canadian provinces and territories.
For more information, please visit: www.theclimateregistry.org