Painting NDCs Blue: Can the Blue Component of NDCs be Doubled in 3 Years?

Hosted by: Abt Associates

The potential of the ocean to contribute to global efforts to secure the needed GHG emissions reductions has been massively underestimated. While steady progress is being made, there is an urgent need to invest in building stronger coalitions and alliances that can help governments to develop ocean centered climate actions and solutions at scale. This session will bring together global leaders to discuss how to double the blue component of their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) within the next three years by COP31.


  • Moderator: Satyendra Prasad, Climate Lead, Abt Associates
  • Coral Pasisi, Director, Climate Change and Sustainability, The Pacific Community
  • Ilana Seid, Palau Ambassador and United Nations Permanent Representative
  • Peni Suveinakama, Ocean Commissioner, Office of the Pacific
  • Sivendra Michael, United Nations Development Programme Pacific Office, Tonga